Jason Rupp – Ask.com on PollRoll: Polling App – SXSW 2012
Last Updated on March 8, 2024 1:53 pm by Jeffrey Powers
While at SXSW, I sat down with Jason Rupp of Ask.com and we talked about a new application they are rolling out. It’s first coming out for the iPhone, but will make it’s way to iPad, web and Android devices in the coming weeks.
The name of the app is called PollRoll. It’s a simple poll of a question you might have. You could ask who like Justin Beiber. Then again, you might see a nice pair of boots and ask if you should buy them.
PollRoll has the audience of Ask.com behind it. Therefore, if you have the poll open, you can get a wide variety of answers. Right now, you can see what your friends think, what the overall audience thinks, and what the local audience (in your area) thinks.
For instance, Jason was looking at a pair of boots. While the overall audience didn’t like them, 71% of people in the Austin area said he should buy them. Of course, his friends were split down the middle on the boots.
I asked what features were coming to the PollRoll app and if there was an API to be available for websites. Jason said they have been talking to the people here at SXSW, and have gotten a lot of great ideas, including real-time answer analysis, breaking it down a little more. He also said they will be looking into an API, because there was a lot of interest in that.
Check out the video interview with Jason. If you have any questions, Twitter me @geekazine and I’ll pass the questions along!
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