Geekazine 2013 in Review
Last Updated on March 9, 2024 4:54 pm by Jeffrey Powers

I am still running a snails pace and several websites that have not been up regularly since December 6th. I have been told everything from my plugins causing problems to getting a DDOS. The reality is – the site went down the day it was transferred to a new server by GoDaddy.
But the show must go on! Therefore, I am writing this in an alternate spot in hopes that I can post it today. After all, I wrote 3 posts yesterday and they were still finally all posted this morning.
TWIGG was a slower pace since I was about ready to collapse. I still had to go shovel snow! Nonetheless, we talked about the new prescription Glass and how you can play Duck Hunt.
Ford was Awesome! I got some great video on their new driver assist project and how I got to ride in a model T and record it via Google Glass.

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Geek Smack! episode 279 Tech News:
iPhone 5s Most Searched
– Top search terms of 2013 are out, 5S is one of them.
Facebook Video Ads
– Companies are eager to line up but will there be people to line up for?
Top of 2013
– Duolingo and Grammar Girl hit the top of 2013 lists
G-Fast 1st Stage
– The successor to DSL is passed the first stage of ITU. 500 Mbps coming…
$6,000 Mac Pro
– Pricing guide shows you how much your dream Mac Pro would cost
Microsoft Loses
– Top Engineer jumps to Google
$38 Android Tablet?
– The UbiSlate is expected to be here next month
Geek Smack! Geek News
Facebook Donate
– New donate button for a cause is launched
Slimstyle LED
– New LED technologies eliminate heavy heatsink
Sprint LTE
– 70 new markets got upgraded from WiMax to LTE
Obama Meets Cook
– The two will talk Obamacare and NSA
Mavericks 10.9.1
– Update Gmail support and voice over updates
HP Chromebook Recall
– Some HP Chromebook chargers can heat up and start fires
Fedora 20
– 10 years of Fedora as the 20th revision is put out
Corpus Christi High Speed
– Sprint and DISH are planning to turn this Texas town into a high speed hub.
Geek Smack: Geekazine 2013 in Review
The new year is fast approaching. 2013 had some big challenges for this podcaster. In looking back, I had some great opportunities, too.
CES was the biggest challenge because we had a lot of uncertainties. The new location looked promising, yet we didn’t know if it was going to work. Alas, the end result was a pretty successful event.
I had another hosting issue around March, during SXSW. Now in December. While podcasting doesn’t rely 100% on a website, it definitely showed some loses while down.
I got to experience three new events this year – NAB, Microsoft Management Summit and CA Technologies CAWorld. All in Las Vegas, I was able to talk with some cool people and find out more about video production, and Enterprise solutions in one week!
I didn’t make it to some of my regular events because I was selected for Google Glass. On July 9th, I did a turn-around trip to Los Angeles so I could pick up my Glass. It was a hard trip and cost me a lot of money. I did get to experience Venice beach for the first time of my life.
I also started the show – This Week in Google Glass. With my co-host Luke Wallace, we tried to make sense of this new technology. And I broke my Glass 4 times this last year…
My iPhone was stolen in July as well. I didn’t realize how much I needed a smarphone until I didn’t have one. The Nokia 900 worked, but as time went on, the Windows 7.8 OS was losing apps left and right. I cannot tell you how much of an aggravation that was and how much of a change getting the Nexus 5 became. I can say I am a lot more productive.
Some top videos this year included the Ford Atlas truck unveil, the Apple TV vs. Roku vs. Chromecast video, a hotel walkthrough of Mandalay Bay and 7 videos I actually made in 2011-12.
The dark time was around September through November. I cannot say for certain, but a lot of concern with the upcoming kept people from spending. I kept things going, though — for I knew it was going to change.
Then, in November, I got to be part of Techonomy 13. What an amazing event as I met some of the top thinkers in technology. Of course, the keynote from Tony Hsiesh really showed me that entrepreneurialism is definitely not dead.
The Helpouts are starting to be a big part of Geekazine. I have a few people I am helping with podcasts and also getting an e-book ready for the masses. It will be a couple bucks in the Amazon store and there will be ways to get it for free.
Finally, this last week at Ford brought some great opportunities, including the ride in a Model T #Throughglass. It was one of my highlights of 2013 for sure.
I did meet some celebrities this year. I got to re-meet Steve Wozniak and see his first reaction to Google Glass. At SXSW I met some up and coming bands that you hear on the radio now including Dawes. I ran into the cast of the USA show Graceland at an event. A panel on how the WWE is crushing social media allowed me to say hi and talk with Stephanie McMahon and John Cena.
So here we are, looking back at 2013. An up-and down year. Hopefully, your year was as fruitful or better than mine.
Geek Smack! is a weekly video show and podcast that comes out every Tuesday evening. Your host: Jeffrey Powers – talks tech news, IT news and geek news for the week. Geek Smack! is ©2013 under a Creative Commons no-deriv license. Captain America and the Avengers! If you would like more information about what is technology, recent news, Geekazine, and Jeffrey Powers, feel free to contact him. Jeffrey Powers does interviews, just ask!