LiveStreaming from YouTube, It’s Geek Smack!
Last Updated on March 9, 2024 1:40 pm by Jeffrey Powers

Last week Google announced people will be getting livestream ability to their YouTube account. I am not a big LiveStream fan on my podcast because its just another thing to go wrong. I decided to stream and record this episode. A couple glitches but overall not a bad job.
Did record episode #2 of This Week in Google Glass with new Co-Host Luk Wallace. Check out the news of Google Glass on this new show. My 10,000 step challenge has taken some new turns as Drumming and lawn mowing really help. I ran out of gas so I have a half-mown lawn. Will Finish later today.

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Geek Smack: YouTube Streaming – Does it Change the Game?
As you can see (or maybe you can’t), I am trying YouTube streaming. This is a feature that people will get once they hit 1,000 subscribers, have a “Good Standing” approval and agree to the terms. I used to stream my podcasts all the time on service “uStream”. I’ve had this YouTube ability for a while (since I have 2,000 subscribers and opted into the partner program) but I normally don’t stream because its one more option that could cause failure.
However, I do see its enticement – Record once, monitize forever. If you need to make edits – YouTube has a process for that (which will most likely get better in the months to come). Therefore, this test of the Geek Smack! YouTube system has been re-initialized.
It makes me wonder how live streaming will change. Its not like we haven’t been able to do that already – uStream, Livestream and – the major players in livestreaming – have been around since 2007. Only problem for these three is they needed to have a solid pay model to cover costs. Ads were inserted without direction of the streamer – that is unless they paid a large monthly fee to get ads taken off or your own ads to be put up.
A lot has also changed since 2007. Codecs are better built and more stable, bandwidth is greater at home and on mobile devices and people are accepting the fact they can watch video on their computers, mobile devices and more.
With YouTube getting into this game, it can really make a uStream, or Livestream re-evaluate their models. After all, they don’t have the #1 video search engine behind their systems. They also don’t have the power of a $800 / share giant like Google powering them.
There can also be downfalls to YouTube livestreaming. Congestion is a big concern. If your video freezes, you can’t do much to fix. My biggest concern is I overtax my recording/streaming machine and the whole thing falls apart. If it does, I might have to record all over again – then find a way to split the duties with another computer.
We are going toward more video on demand models for entertainment. YouTube gets it. TBS/TNT gets it. HBO Go gets it. Its now a question if they can sustain it. Otherwise we might see YouTube Live getting closed down like Google Checkout is.
Geek Smack! is a weekly video show and podcast that comes out every Tuesday evening. Your host: Jeffrey Powers – talks tech news, IT news and geek news for the week. Geek Smack! is ©2012 under a Creative Commons no-deriv license. Never take candy from strangers. If you would like more information about what is technology, recent news, Geekazine, and Jeffrey Powers, feel free to contact him. Jeffrey Powers does interviews, just ask!