Sony C-100 Microphone is a Low Cost, Hi-Res, Dual-Element Condenser
Last Updated on February 23, 2024 10:04 am by Jeffrey Powers
Stepping up your game in recording, podcasting, or whatever you do can be easy if you have this microphone in your bag. This large Diaphragm condenser mic has a lot of features that can help you mic up any instrument – from Tuba to Piccolo. All with a price that doesn’t bring down the house.
About the C-100 Condenser Microphone
This is an alternative to the Sony C-800G microphone. Inside the cage is a dual-capsule that can cover the spectrum. The 25mm capsule covers 20 Hz to 25 kHz, while the 17mm capsule covers 25-50 kHz ranges.
You can select it to be a cardiod, omnidirectional, or figure-8 polar pattern. A low-cut filter and -10db pad are also available options.
Other microphones in the High-Resolution series include The EMC-100N (Omni-Directional) and the EMC-100U (Cardioid).
The Sony C-100 starts at $1399 and will be available soon.

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