Using 360Heros for Oculus Rift 3D Video – NAB 2014
Last Updated on March 10, 2024 3:48 pm by Jeffrey Powers
In the first video, we got to see what the 360Heros system is all about. Now its time to put the video into production. That is where this station comes in with Oculus Rift glasses.
Mike shows us how the 360Heros system will stitch together video for a 3D view of an event. It could be anything from a concert to a family gathering. Think of how this video can cheer a family member up if they were not able to attend an event.
The Oculus Rift goggles are connected to the computer where video is played. I was able to spin around and see Mike’s living room as they were decorating a tree.
Best part is with the live stream stitch software they are working on, by this time next year we may be able to experience a specific area of NAB without having to be there. Hanging 360Heros could be around the show floor where all you have to do is connect and watch.
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