Actiontec Introduces Wireless HDMI
Last Updated on February 23, 2024 8:56 pm by Jeffrey Powers
Another set of wire standards, another set of wires to be run in the house. Or do you?
Actiontec was at CES showing off a new way to send your HDMI 1 signals to your LED TV. Best part is it’s done wirelessly.
The company makes a series of routers and Ethernet over Power line technology. Now they have My Wireless TV – a device that can transmit HDMI signal – Even a 3D image – through the air.
The transmitters – receivers run on a standard 802.11 wireless signal. They are fully compliant with 1080 / 60 fps televisions. You can have the devices up to 150 feet apart from each other, which means the Blu-Ray can be on the other side of the room and still get a good connection.
The product boasts no latency. Therefore you should be able to play a game and not see any problems. You can watch the action and when you press pause, the screen will pause.
The best part is the 2 puck system is sleek and portable. Therefore if you take your system to a friends house, you can connect up pretty quick.
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