Douglas Karr Talks Marketing Tech, Blog Talk Radio – #BWELA
Last Updated on March 8, 2024 1:22 pm by Jeffrey Powers

Douglass Karr was waiting for an interview with another person. Since he was waiting, I brought the cameras to him and we did a quick interview ourselves in Stitcher’s Voices of New Media.
Douglass show is called the Marketing Tech Blog and Marketing Tech Radio. He talks with other industry professionals about online marketing, search engine optimization, pay per click, inbound marketing, conversion optimization, analytics, email marketing and more. We started talking about Ora-brush and how they need to get onto social media.
They go through Blog Talk Radio, a way to record audio without having to own a lot of software. Download an application and when you are ready to go, hit the record button.
“If I had more time, I would record it offline…” Douglass says. “You know what? It’s the content. Blog Talk Radio is just great. I log in five minutes before – click, start and it all goes. The feed just pushes great to Stitcher.”
Douglass talks about his podcast audience. He notices the people who consume audio only. No blogs, no video – these people just listen to audio files. So with a Yeti microphone and a computer, they have 40 shows and going strong.
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