HP Storage Tech Day: 3PAR StoreServ Deep Dive
Last Updated on February 23, 2024 10:58 am by Jeffrey Powers
On July 29, 2013 – HP’s Calvin Zito offered a storage day in Anaheim CA before the Nth Generation Symposium. We spent the morning of the Tech Day deep diving into 3PAR StoreServ.
The first 30 minutes is from Calvin as he talks a little about his life at HP. Pretty amazing how he grew his career while staying in his hometown of Boise, ID.
Vish Mulchand took over the 3PAR StorServ Deep Dive. Vishdiscussed the key initiatives to support 3PAR and a Storage Solid State Strategy. With the 3PAR StoreServ 7450 Storage, you can support up to 120 SSD, 4BTB Raw capacity.
Siamak Nazari came up to drill down flash technology. Siamak talks about the HP 7000 series and how flash enables new possibilities. He goes over the 3PAR approach to working with Flash by using processes like Autonomic Cache Offload and Multi-tenant I/O processing.
PD Prasad talks about the 3PAR StorServ 7450 Flash array storage. LaMills Garrett brought in extra commentary and to help answer questions about the whole Tech Day.
Great commentary and questions by bloggers, including a new blogger to the group – Nate Amsden of techopsguys.com