On a recent trip to Sunnyvale, CA, we stayed at the Avatar Hotel – a themed hotel that screams geek. But was it geeky? Was it even a hotel? Hotel vs. Motel – What’s the Difference? According to the dictionary, a Motel (or Motor Hotel) is a place where the room doors face to the […]
I have officially switched to my phone as an alarm clock (when I need it). Its easy to set and the alarm wakes me up. TravAlarm said that was not enough, so they made a smart alarm system. Imagine your alarm clock goes off a half hour earlier. You look at your phone and read […]
Walking the streets of Austin for SXSW does two things – it destroys your shoes and it tires you out. That is why I stopped into this building, which promoted rejuvination and relaxation through sleep. I ended up getting to know more about this area and the new FX TV show called “The Strain” (coming […]
For the last couple weeks I have been wearing a Fitbug Orb – a device that tracks my steps and sleep patterns. I know a little more and have changed my activities for a more healthy lifestyle. We all know that 20 minutes of heart-raising activity, three times a week will make us healthier. We […]
NBC Universal set up two stages this year. The first one was the stage we used last year and the second one was a big ping-pong ball shaped area that you would stand in the middle of. That is the stage we ended up using for show #1 – And it was pretty cool. Since […]
Get in tune with your body. If you know what your body is saying, you can work with it to stay healthier. That is the BodyMedia system. An armband you wear on your upper arm will give you statistics and sleep patterns. You can download the iPhone or Android application. Every day you connect the […]
If you live in an area that observes Daylight Savings Time, then it’s time to change the clocks. Fall back; Spring forward. Since it’s fall, we take it back one hour. You get an extra hour of sleep (unless you’re up until the rooster calls), as 2PM on Sat. Nov 6th becomes 1 AM. Need […]
Apparently there is a new iPhone application out there that lets me monitor my sleep cycle by simply sleeping with the iPhone at the corner of the bed. The application is called Sleep Cycle by Lexware Labs. It is currently a $0.99 app in the iTunes store as an introductory offer. The application is simple: […]
Were gonna be short on Ramblings since it’s another fun filled weekend. Happy Independence Day I am writing this on July 4th, so I shall say it. If you are not in the US, shoot off some fireworks anyway. It’s fun – unless you are in a country that doesn’t make it fun, then just […]
Day Off – Sort of A late Ramblings this week as I decided to stay offline last week. It was a long week and I was playing all weekend. It has been a while since I last took more than 24 hours off a computer, so that is a big feat for me. HP Tech […]