What is #GeekOut ? What is a Hashtag?
In this world of Twitter, Facebook and TikTok, hashtags are used to give your voice some clarity. For instance, if I was talking about basket weaving, I would use #BasketWeaving for a hashtag. When someone is searching, those keywords could lead them to you, and ultimately, a friend in basket weaving.
I have been thinking of many different hashtags that I could use to promote myself. In the last 7 years, I adopted two tag lines – For the Geek in all of us, and Geek Out!
The first one – #ForTheGeekInAllOfUs – seemed a bit too long. #GeekOut on the other hand seemed to be to the point and really summed me up in two words. Therefore, #GeekOut was chosen.
Do you Have the Rights to #GeekOut?
No, nor does anyone else. It’s a tag only. However, its use is all across the board. Therefore, I decided to own the tag.
I will be sharing this tag with anyone who refers to it. Looking at trends, common related hashtags include #starwars, #doctorwho, #HarryPotter, #geek, #cantwait, and more. This is my kind of group!
What Happens if I Use #GeekOut?
I will be watching you. Maybe I’ll say hi. I might even have some cookies to share.
Bottom Line – Geek Out!
In this new age of social networking, having a hook or two is important. My hook will be #GeekOut for now. Use it, but don’t abuse it. Tell me how you geek out.
Let’s make some records together!