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What is ? What is a Hashtag?

In this world of Twitter, Facebook and TikTok, hashtags are used to give your voice some clarity. For instance, if I was talking about basket weaving, I would use #BasketWeaving for a hashtag. When someone is searching, those keywords could lead them to you, and ultimately, a friend in basket weaving.

I have been thinking of many different hashtags that I could use to promote myself. In the last 7 years, I adopted two tag lines – For the Geek in all of us, and Geek Out!

The first one – #ForTheGeekInAllOfUs – seemed a bit too long. on the other hand seemed to be to the point and really summed me up in two words. Therefore, was chosen.

Do you Have the Rights to ?

No, nor does anyone else. It’s a tag only. However, its use is all across the board. Therefore, I decided to own the tag.

I will be sharing this tag with anyone who refers to it. Looking at trends, common related hashtags include , #doctorwho, #HarryPotter, , #cantwait, and more. This is my kind of group!

Get some Merch

What Happens if I Use ?

I will be watching you. Maybe I’ll say hi. I might even have some cookies to share.

Bottom Line – Geek Out!

In this new age of social networking, having a hook or two is important. My hook will be for now. Use it, but don’t abuse it. Tell me how you geek out.

Let’s make some records together!

c. 2024 Geekazine