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Geekazine covers consumer tech, enterprise tech, music tech, and video tech. If you want something reviewed, Contact Me.

Power Your Gear: Litheli 20,000mAh 4 Ah Battery
At CES I saw the Litheli Ecosystem, at the heart is this battery. And you can use it for more than the power tools. #litheli #battery #charge #firstlook

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Olight Ostation REJECTS Bad Batteries!
This device will check the batteries for you. Throw them into the bin and they`ll spit out the good ones #ostation #olight #ces2025 #geekazine #shorts #reels #batteries #charging

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TCL NXTPaper for Tablets and Phones
TCL showed me their NXTPaper mobile devices, which can go from a full color screen to paperwhite reader #ces2025 #nxtpaper #tcl #tablet #phone #ces #technology #shorts #reels

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Dreame bionic multi-joint robotic arm
Watch as this robot vacuum can pick up items, move cords, and get the damn floors cleaned! #ces2025 #dreame #bionic #robot #vacuum #cleaning #home #technology2025 #innovation #wow #shorts #reels

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Telestrate on Any Tablet to vMix 28
With vMix 28 a new feature allows you to telestrate on screen. And you can use any tablet! #vmix #telestrator #howto #videoproduction #video #drawonscreen #tech #vmix28

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Automate the Shades in Your House
With this app you can set up smart shades #ces2025 #iot #smartshades #homeautomation #ces #livingroom #shorts #reels

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This popped up on the bottom of my Facebook page. Why in thee hell would I want to join a group that has nothing to do with me or where I live?

The Facebook algorithm is broken and things like this show it. No wonder the fact checking software didn’t work right.

ITM- Facebook is experimenting with pop ups, taking us back to the Internet circa 2007…

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Is this really how I eat Spaghetti? Playing with Runway #AI ...

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