Demibooks: Create Kids Books on the iPad – TechCrunch Disrupt 2011 SF
Last Updated on March 8, 2024 1:16 pm by Jeffrey Powers

iPad owners are aware that virtually anything can be accomplished using the handheld device and now book creation and publishing is an option as well. Demibooks has created a platform to bring book design and publishing to the iPad so that everyone from parents to publishers can quickly and easily create an interactive digital book.
“What’s cool is that you actually author books right on the iPad,” says Rafiq Ahmed from Demibooks. The platform is free and simple for those who already own Composer, and the author will be limited only by their imagination. With Demibooks the user can bring in components such as photos, mp3s and text to help create an entirely unique and interactive digital book.
Parents and others who want to simply create a book to share with family and friends will find the process simple. They can then email the results to those that they wish to share with. Authors and publishers that prefer to monetize their books have two options through Demibooks- a reader app and a standalone app. While there may be an additional fee in the beginning, both options allow for the author to receive profits from their book.
The platform created by Demibooks is specifically designed for the iPad at this point and will work for a variety of tasks. Along with creating top quality interactive kids books, authors can also use Demibooks to create other types of books including educational.
For more information on Demibooks and to be placed on their mailing list you can visit