June 30, 2009
Jeffrey Powers The Roundup again , apple , apps , basic , best , blockbuster , Blu-Ray , board , boards , bob , boxes , brother , browsing , btw , cable , cables , cameras , capability , CD , cell , communications , community , company , computer , computing , day , dec , desktop , desktops , dick tracey , discontinuance , discontinuation , disk , divx , dragon , dreamcast , drive , DVD , dvds , electronic , email , error , eye , feeds , finalization , fish , followers , format , FTC , fun , gadget , gadgets , game , games , gaming , goodwill , Google , great , heck , help , home , hook , hype , i ipod , information , innovation , interface , ipods , isp , japan , job , jobs , keychain , laptop , laptops , lesson , levelator , life , live , marketers , marketing , meg , megs , memories , memory , Microsoft , money , motorola , movie , movies , msn , name , netflix , network , networking , new , News , newton , next , OLPC , origins , phone , piracy , ports , price , profitability , razr , real , rebate , receivers , Register , right , rock , rocks , ruputer , SEGA , show , skype , skyping , smart , smartphone , smartphones , space , state , Steve , surfing , surprise , tech , technologies , Technology , techs , telephones , this , tiger , time , tools , transformers , USB , vaporware , video , videos , water , weather , web , Website , websites , webtv , week , wheelchair , wifi , Windows , winner , winners , world , writing , xbox
You might remember the products. You might remember the hype. Then, you are tooling down highway 41 years later and all of a sudden you think to yourself – “Hey, whatever happened to…” Failed ideas. Maybe it was a great idea, but wasn’t made right, or design errors brought it down. Maybe it was just […]