Ba-Zynga: Getting Zynga Back on Track
Last Updated on March 8, 2024 7:24 pm by Jeffrey Powers

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Geek Smack! episode 239 Tech News:

Skype Worm
– Don’t download any ZIP files of your profile pic.
Microsoft Digits
– Hand gesture sensor bracelet creates 3-d models of your hand. Next remote control?
Native Facebook Android App
– Ditching HTML5, this native app for Android is coming soon.
Google Maps on iPhone
– How to get Google maps back.
YouTube Adds 100 Channels
– Multiple categories means there is content for everyone.
Amazon VP House Explodes
– It was under construction. One in hospital
Lytro Launches
-Innovative camera is avaialble now.
Facebook Phone Search
– You could find non-friends numbers. Just like in a phone book.
Google TV Porn
– FyreTV launches on Google TV.
iPod Touch, Nano Ship
– We also see some benchmarks. Holy cow! The iPhone 5 doubles everything else?

– Leaked Images – Doesn’t that mean this box has to be regulated by the FCC?
Petition to Stop LitePanel
– Need your help to make sure LitePanel doesn’t corner the market on these innovative lights. While you might not podcast, it could even affect how LED lighting is part of home use.
Geek Smack! Geek News:
Paper Craft – Howl’s Moving Castle
LEGO or Star Wars – LEGO Chess Set
Sports – Digital Signature
RUMOR – iPad Mini Pictures
Gadget – Faucet Night Light
Air Force – 1950’s SuperSonic Declassified
Geek Smack: Will Zynga survive this Downfall?

I was at Zynga just a month ago. We got to talk to programmers and other employees of the company. They were all happy and excited to be working at this company – even with the overshadow of Zynga’s Q3 reports.
Today Zynga got a $3.30 valuation – 80% from their March 2012 highs. That is when Zynga bought OMGPOP for $200 million – which also got 35 million users. You figure that would be a good thing. In fact – since then Zynga has acquired 2 new companies and opened an API to developers. Yet the weak net earnings from Q2, stock dropped 40%.
From the beginning, Facebook and Zynga were a great combination. Around March, Facebook changed an algorithm that didn’t favor older games. Since Zynga has been struggling to find a new hit, the gaming company has been taking a back seat to other games. The “Ville” games were just not cutting it anymore.
Forbes is saying Facebook should squeeze Zynga out instead of the social network trying to buy the company. Amazon also has their name in that pot – which would be great for their Kindle line.
So where should Zynga go at this venture? With a $3.30 stock valuation, it might be better to find investors and buy back stock – therefore privatizing the company. The key is to find the next big game that could hold them for 18 months. Draw Something was a game that you played for 3-4 days but then left in disgust because you couldn’t find a decent opponent.
Focusing on the “One-vs-One” strategy games that could easily be you vs computer is a key goal. I always say a crowdgaming scenario would be the answer – The majority makes the decision. It’s a little more complicated algorithm; in the end we could see some pretty fun games come out of it.
Where do we take the games? We’ve been second lifed, World of Warcrafted, Doomed, Quaked, Diabaloed, Soldier of fortuned, Cityvilled, Farmvilled, Mafia Wared and Pokered to death. That is the big key.
Geek Smack! is a weekly video show and podcast that comes out every Tuesday evening. Your host: Jeffrey Powers – talks tech news, IT news and geek news for the week. Geek Smack! is ©2012 under a Creative Commons no-deriv license. Never take candy from strangers. If you would like more information about what is technology, recent news, Geekazine, and Jeffrey Powers, feel free to contact him. Jeffrey Powers does interviews, just ask!