Who Will Buy Hulu – Will Hulu Even Sell?
Last Updated on March 9, 2024 1:41 pm by Jeffrey Powers

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Geek Smack: Hulu for Sale (Again). Suiters are lining up. Who will buy Hulu?
Last year rumors came up about Hulu being for sale. After a lot of speculation, Hulu backed out. Now the rumors are back and some big names are viing for the online TV and movie website.
One of those in the hunt is Yahoo! Marissa Meyer wants to turn Yahoo! back into a portal. This may be well and good, but do we really want Yahoo! to own Hulu – given their track record?
Other companies interested are DirecTV, Time Warner, private equity firms KKR & Co. and Silver Lake Management.
Many are expecting bidding to get up to the $800 million mark. But the real question is if the company is worth $800 million?
Lots of factors can change when Hulu switches hands. Contracts by NBC, ABC and Fox (which supply the website with fresh content daily) could change their agreements – or even end their relationships. The value of Hulu could dramatically decrease simply if one of these networks dropped out.
If DirecTV purchases Hulu, could they move Hulu in-house? I really don’t want a DirecTV subscription.
I pay $8 a month so I can watch Hulu on my Roku. I think that is fair since I can watch last night’s TV shows on my schedule. If that was to change dramatically, I would most likely drop the service – just like I did with Netflix when I noticed I wasn’t watching anything from it.
Then again, Hulu could just flip-flop and say they are not for sale again…
Geek Smack! is a weekly video show and podcast that comes out every Tuesday evening. Your host: Jeffrey Powers – talks tech news, IT news and geek news for the week. Geek Smack! is ©2012 under a Creative Commons no-deriv license. Never take candy from strangers. If you would like more information about what is technology, recent news, Geekazine, and Jeffrey Powers, feel free to contact him. Jeffrey Powers does interviews, just ask!